Friday, September 14, 2018

First day at Infiniti grid.. we got this!

So, how did the first day of our soft opening go on Infiniti Grid? Good! Thanks for asking. :D

We had a protective day. We had just the right amount of new people you want to see on a first day and everyone got to have a great time at the Morning Coffee Cafe that rests by our Welcome area. Much joking, laughing and of course dancing was happening. The times I flew by I saw lots of fun happening in the local chat. Made me jealous lol.

We had a few people join our mainland as renters. Very nice and patient people. Welcome to Infiniti :)

One thing I am proud to say is that Founders worked as a team as the obligatory first day  things came up. Individual strengths came together to tackle the day. I am proud to work with them. I am also even more proud to say that we have some awesome residents in our world. They were amazing rolling with the restarts, rental snags and so many have gave of their time and talent to give us a great opening day experience. We are really lucky.

Thank you to everyone that helped make our opening experience a positive experience.

We look forward to years of good times and even those things that pop up unexpected. We will all grow together.

Monday, September 3, 2018

So, I have been a little quiet lately...

I know I have been neglecting this blog. There is a really good reason for that. But first some back story. Way back in days of SL old, there was a Linden sponsored official forum where you could go and get info on how to do things, where to find things but most fun for many of us, we could go there to enjoy the general discussion areas. There I met many people from SL. Even if we didn't always cross paths within the Virtual World, we had that forum to communicate.

One such person who I had the good pleasure of meeting was Lecktor Hannibal. Many others as well, some sadly have passed. I never knew a virtual world could make you so close to people. Of course, it was not the world that did that. It was the people. People willing to give of themselves and if you did not act like a jerk, you could eventually cement some lasting relationships.

Now, what I have been doing. Leck sent me a message via SLU that simply said "we need to tallk". I already knew what was on his mind. He has dreamed of starting a opensim grid for a very long time. He, though the history tries to cover it, was an original force in getting what used to be InWorldz off the ground. Back then, he asked me to come along. As much as I wanted to do something on that scale with Leck and blinded by the bull that the grid we were on (Openlife) was shoving, I declined. There was someone involved that I wanted nothing to do with. That someone alienated the original group that gave her a start. But that is another story.. today I want to just point out that Leck has wanted to start a grid that long. So flash forward to a few weeks ago.

Leck asked me if I wanted to be a part of a new grid. At the time I doubted myself (RL issues FTW) and again, turned him down. He put no pressure on me, no ill will and I rooted for him and what would become his team down the line. Never did I think I would eventually find myself involved anyway. But, I am. I am part of what is going to be Infiniti Grid. There is so much excitement around us as we prepare. So much testing, building, etc trying to make sure it is ready for an opening. It is a labor of love.

This grid is not going to be thrown together. There seems to be desperation from some of the "big" opensim grids to rake up the users that were so callously denied of their regions, builds, purchases, money and all that time they invested. It is like sharks thrashing in the blood of victims of a shipwreck. It is disgusting.

Infiniti has a goal to be different. There are people behind it with lots of virtual world experience and passions for the things they oversee in preparation of the grid. I have told Leck, and I mean this, Mac is retiring there. It will be my home, my hobby and my passion. We are trying to make this something unique and fun. And it will be hypergrid enabled.

So that is what I have been doing lately. When we launch it will all be worth it. :)